Welcome to A+ Dog Training

With 29 years of experience, A+ Dog Training offers top-notch services for your furry friend. Our lifetime support and follow-up ensure your dog's success in training. I also offer Zoom training classes for those who are located in other areas of the country and are looking for a more budget-friendly option for training their dog. You can learn a lot from one on one, private Zoom sessions. Use the contact page to reach out for more information.


Basic Obedience Training

Essential obedience commands and manners. Positive reinforcement for lasting results. The best training begins with positive training methods and learning what motivates your dog! Private sessions in your home, private sessions at my location, day training drop off and board and train are all available. Dog featured is Kenai and he is available for adoption! 


Behavior Modification

Correcting unwanted behaviors like aggression and anxiety. Personalized solutions for specific issues. Some dogs simply need to learn "no" while other dogs have been through some bad situations and need a whole lot more trust building and training. Behavioral modification is not a one-size-fits-all. You need an experienced trainer. Dog featured is Tilly. She is a 5_year-old border collie that has bitten people and animals in the past. She spent her life in rescue due to her patterns. After she came here, she made her first dog friend and played with him for the first time. She is better with people but still learning. how to properly behave around strangers. You should never give up that you can help a dog. Tilly came here for sanctuary, through my nonprofit rescue, which I offered to the rescue she was already in. My aim was to give her a more normal life.  This type of training is also available as in-home, at my location, or board and train, or even day drop-off training 


Puppy Training

Setting a strong foundation for your puppy. Socialization and basic commands for a well-adjusted adult dog. All training is with positive reinforcement. Puppies are hard work. The pup featured is Sammi, and she came for board and training and 12-weeks-old after she'd been fully vaccinated. Her family opted to rehome her after they took her home because two young boys plus a puppy was more than they could handle. She is available for adoption, potty trained, good with basic commands, and is currently 7 months old. 

Puppy training is available in private sessions at your home or mine, through boarding and training, or day training. Any puppies coming to me for training MUST be fully vaccinated. At your home, this isn't necessary, so you can start training sooner at 8 weeks if you like.


Frequently Asked Questions

What training methods do you use?

We use positive reinforcement techniques to train dogs and promote good behavior. Positive reinforcement can be anything the dogs sees as fun or good. Treats, their food, or a toy are the best means to get their attention, initially. I prefer weaning for treats asap and using their food for training through intermediate phase of training, and then ultimately weaning to toys and games they see as a reward. 

How long does it take to see results?

Results may vary depending on the dog and the behavior being addressed, but most owners see improvement within a few sessions. If you are doing the training homework yourself, with in-home private sessions, you need to be dedicated and set aside a little time EVERY day to work with your dog. It doesn't take hours, but it does take consistency! Even board and train dogs are sent home with instructions to work with them at least 15 minutes every single day. 

Do you offer group classes or only private sessions?

We offer both group classes and private sessions, as well as day training or in-home sessions to cater to different training preferences. None is more superior to the other, it truly depends on the desired outcomes. Group classes are great to work with dogs that are having issues with attention, because they learn to ignore other dogs while working with you. Board and train is great if you just don't have much time to devote to training. Private sessions with you and your dog are the best way for you to form a bond with them, but you have to be committed to honestly doing that work every day. Be honest with yourself when deciding which is best for you. 

“"Dawn is AMAZING! My brother and I took both our pups..." - Katie Austin


Here is my price sheet with list of services> I do not believe in hiding my prices. All class packages can be financed for up to 6 months, with zero interest, for qualified individuals


Contact us

For inquiries or to schedule a training session, please fill out the form below or contact me directly at (720) 588-8094. I look forward to hearing from you! Cell phone is (779) 245-0205


A+ Dog Training
Elizabeth, Colorado, United States

About us

A+ Dog Training is a leading provider of dog training services in Elizabeth, Colorado. With nearly three decades of experience, we have helped countless dogs and their owners achieve harmony and understanding. Our team of dedicated trainers is committed to delivering top-quality training programs tailored to each dog's unique needs.